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AP Stats: FALL 2024 Class Notes


Welcome Manual Students! As we begin the school year, I plan to upload notes by chapter, along with weekly updates. If you do not find what you are looking for, please let me know and I'll try to include it.

August  &
September Notes

Week 1 - Aug. 10-12: Introduction to Stats  PPT

Chapter 1 - Role of Statistics &  Data Analysis Process

Chapter 1.1 - Why Study Statistics? & Sampling Variability

Chapter 1.2 - Nature of Variability

Chapter 1.3 - Statistics & Data Analysis Process

Chapter 1.4 - Types of Data & Graphical Displays

Finish Chapter 1 & QUIZ 1 before Aug 16

Chapter 2 - Collecting Data & Experimental Designs

Chapter 2.1 - Observational Studies vs. Experimentation

Chapter 2.2 - Sampling

Chapter 2.3 - Simple Comparative Experiments

Chapter 2.4 - More Experimental Design

Chapter 2.5 - Interpreting Results of Statistical Analysis

              538 Pollster Ratings 

  • Prepare for TEST #1: Chapters 1 - 3 (Sept 8/9th)

  • Sample  HW (Expected guidelines)

  • Future Topics:

Graphical Displays for data (next chapter)

Fall Semester Project

Chapter 3 - Graphical Methods for Describing Data

Chapter 3.1 - Displaying Categorical Data

Chapter 3.2 - Displaying Numerical Data: Stem-and-Leaf Plots - Video

Chapter 3.3 - Displaying Numerical Data: Frequency Distributions and Histograms

Chapter 3.4 - Displaying Bivariate Data & Time Plots  (skip scatterplots until Chapter 5)

Chapter 3.5 - Interpreting Results of Statistical Analysis

Week 5 - Sept 1 - 8: Test Week!

Chapter 4 -  Numerical Methods for Describing Data

Chapter 4.1 - Describing the Center of Data Sets

Audio HW - Hidden Brain - Why FACTS don't always Change Minds (LINK) Review by Oct 12th

Chapter 4.2 & 4.3 - Describing Variability of Data Sets: IQR & Standard Deviation; Summarizing Data Sets: Box Plots

Chapter 4.4 & 4.5 - Interpreting Center & Variability: Normal Distributions, z Scores, the Empirical Rule, Chebyshev's Rule

Oct 5 - Oct 9: Week 6​ (finish Chapter 4)

October Notes
Nov. & Dec. Notes

Chapter 5   Summarizing Bivariate Data

Chapter 5.1 - Correlation & the correlation coefficient (r)

Chapter 5.2 - Linear Regression: Fitting a Line to Bivariate Data (LSRL)

Chapter 5.3 - Assess the Fit of a Line (How good is the LSRL?)

  • Residual Plots: Video

    • Calculate r by hand: Video​

 Oct 5 Test Review


Upcoming Topics​​​

  • Calculating normalcdf on TI-84

  • TI-84 Calculator TIPS

  • NCTM Applet for ​Linear Regression**

  • Linear Regression 1: Why is it called "Least  Squares" regression line?

  • Linear Regression 2: Centroid, Predicting r and slope

  • ** Must use Mozilla (Firefox) to support Applet**


Chapter 6   Probability

Chapter 6.1 - Chance Experiments & Events

Chapter 6.2 - Definition of Probability

Chapter 6.3 - Basic Properties of Probability

Chapter 6.4 - Conditional Probability

Oct 23 - 27: RED/White Week

Test 3 - Test Review (HW #28)  & Practice MC Questions: Sets1-3 

Chapter 7   Random Variables

Chapter 7.1 - Random Variables

Chapter 7.2 - Discrete Random Variables

Chapter 7.3 - Continuous Random Variables


Additional Future Topics:

  • Understanding p-values

  • Understanding Null Hypothesis Testing

  • Understanding Type I vs Type II Errors

Need After School Help?
Come Tuesday or Thursday to
see Mr. Lowber
“Help & Enrichment beyond the classroom”

Contact: 1-502-485-8241

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