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du Math du Fun

Gun Violence
NRA - John Oliver report: LINK

How The U.S. Compares With Other Countries In Deaths From Gun Violence
Goats & Soda (NPR): Link
The Democracy We Think We Live In: On the Media
AUGUST 9, 2019
CDC, by LAW must eschew from
using the F-word (or the G-word)
NPR, August 2019
LINK: All Things Considered (Aug. 8)
The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (the CDC) is the government agency that is supposed to gather and analyze statistical data about risk of accidents, diseases, and causes of death in the U.S.
Congress has the CDC operating under something known as the Dickey Amendment, legislation passed by Congress in 1996 that actually prohibits the CDC from spending any of its funds to "advocate or promote gun control."
How do Politicians react to Acts of Gun Violence? Aug 2019
A Closer Look, NBC, Aug 2019
On the Media: How to Report On Gun Violence in America
America's Gun Business Is $28 Billion.
The Gun Violence Business Is Bigger.
Article link: Forbes Inc.
by Elizabeth MacBride
How the NRA hijacks gun debates
Vox video, March 2018

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