du Math du Fun

Resources for Statistics Help
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Introduction & Vocabulary
You can use these resources to help with a general introduction to statistics and to improve your understanding of statistical terms and symbols.
Stattrek: An excellent resource for all levels of statistics
Statistics Glossary: A glossary of statistical terminology administered by Professor John McColl and Professor Adrian Bowman (University of Glasgow), developed in 2012.
Stats Medic: Designed for teachers, but students can get many useful tips and resources here as well
Internet Glossary of Statistical Terms: This is a visual and interactive glossary of terms assembled by Professor Howard S. Hoffman
Flash Cards: Sample vocabulary in electronic flash card format
Articles regarding Statistics
Variety of statistical articles to clarify and provide context to concepts covered in class.
Common Misconceptions
Truth, Damn truth, and statistics (2008) by Velleman

Review & Practice of Concepts and Skills
Graphical Displays for Data
Qualitative Data (Categorical)
Bar Charts
Pie Charts
Frequency Tables
2-Way Tables
Quantitative Data (Numerical)
Dot Plots
Box Plots
Stem Plots (Stem & Leaf Plots)
Summarizing Distributions
You can CUSS with your SOCS
Outliers (Unusuals)
Data Sites & Interesting Statistics
Here are some links to sites with data sets and interesting statistics:
Data Sites:
U.S. Government Open Data: http://www.data.gov/
US Census Bureau: http://www.census.gov/data.html
U.S. Health data: https://www.healthdata.gov/
Facts & Data for U.S. States: http://www.statsamerica.org/profiles/sip_index.html
NOAA (formerly National Climatic Data Center): http://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/
The CIA World Factbook: https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/
FiveThirtyEight by Nate Silver
Interesting Stats:
Sample Chapter Reviews
These are on-line resources that highlight various topics not necessarily in the same order or detail as we presented in class.
Overview of Nine Chapter Topics: Sample PPT of nine chapters from the textbook The Practice of Statistics, Second Edition by Dan Yates, David S. Moore and Daren S. Starnes