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du Math du Fun

Video HW - Option to Watch and comment in place of a HW Set
Why you should love statistics | Alan Smith
Population won’t exceed 11 billion | Hans Rosling
Data storytelling | Ben Wellington
Show me the DATA in yourself | Talithia Williams
Big Data and why does it matter? | Donna Green
Mathematics and sex | Clio Cresswell
3 Ways to spot a bad statistic | Mona Chalabi
Choice, happiness and spag-sauce | Malcolm Gladwell
The paradox of choice | Barry Schwartz
December: Mandatory for ALL: The story of American poverty, as told by one Alabama county | PBS NewsHour (link)
Statement by Mr. Philip Alston, UN Special Rapporteur on extreme poverty in U.S. - Link
Three Types of Bias | J. Marshall Shepherd | TEDx - MUST Do!
The Perfect Score - Cheating on SAT | 60 Minutes
U.S. Aristocracy and Segregation| PBS NewsHour
Valeant Pharmaceuticals & Wilson's Diease | Dirty Money Link
Mandatory for ALL: Senior Spring: How Teens Feel About Guns in America | NPR
Dunning-Kruger Effect: The psychological phenomenon of cognitive bias that gives people with low ability an illusion of superiority.
Robert Reich: The Big Economic Switcheroo - Government Costs and Tax Cuts
Why so many Americans in the middle class have no savings - PBS NewsHour - June 2016
Mandatory for ALL: March for Global Awareness | School strike for climate - save the world by changing the rules | Greta Thunberg | TEDxStockholm
Probability of Picking all NCAA Tournament Games
Pi Day Delight
Health Care in France vs U.S. - CNBC | May 2018
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